
Good Growth for Central London

11 Mar 2020

The ‘Good Growth for Central London’ report, authored by Arup on behalf of London Property Alliance (CPA & WPA), examines the key risks and opportunities facing London’s Central Activities Zone and Northern Isle of Dogs (CAZ+).

This research provides a snapshot of the performance of the CAZ+, which currently supports 1.9mil jobs (31% of all jobs in London); £211bn in economic activity (10% of the UK’s output); and £4.6bn in business rates.

A key finding of the study is that if the public and private sectors work together to achieve a ‘good growth’ scenario, Central London could deliver almost 400,00 new jobs and over 43,000 additional homes, whilst generating £100bn for the national economy by 2041.

The report makes 10 recommendations in order to achieve a ‘good growth’ scenario for the CAZ+ area, with economic and social benefits for local communities, London and the wider UK.

The research was supported by Almacantar, Derwent London, Great Portland Estates, Grosvenor, Landsec and New West End Company.
