Our response to Westminster City Council’s Partial Review of the City Plan
Our response to Westminster City Council’s Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing SPD
Response to Westminster City Council’s draft Retrofit Policy
Read our response to WCC’s consultation here.
Draft Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document representations
Read our submission to the consultation here
Response to APPG Planning & Housing Inquiry into Developer Contributions
Read our response to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Housing & Planning
Response to Oxford Street Property Programme proposals
Read our response to Westminster City Council's Oxford Street Programme
Response to the planning fees performance consultation
Read our consultation response here.
Response: Westminster City Council’s Draft Statement of Community Involvement (‘SCI’)
WPA responds to Westminster Council SCI
WPA response to regulation 18 consultation
Read our response to regulation 18 consultation here.
Press Release: Westminster Property Association and Westminster City Council launch London’s first Sustainable City Charter
New framework launched to support West End businesses in decarbonising Westminster’s built environment